
Paper, textiles, photography and nature are my passions. Over my 45 year career I have dipped in and out of these, specialising in each area and combining these skills, each inspiring the other.


As far back as I can remember I was always making things. As a child I used to gather up left over scraps from my mother’s dressmaking and create something with them. How I loved to rummage in the button box and a trip to the haberdashery shop was just pure delight!

My mum also shared her love of flowers, trees and birds and on walks we would pick wild flowers and leaves to take home, press, identify and label. And so my love of needlework and nature began.


I trained in Textile Design at Nottingham Trent specialising in hand embroidery on a miniature scale. My first job was at Designer’s Guild in London where we made the merchandise for their interior shops. It was here that I learnt and mastered the art of machine applique work along with many other techniques.

I went on to have my first business designing and making unique soft furnishing accessories and giftware in a characterful shop in the Cotswolds.

Some years later I went on a papermaking course and fell in love with this wonderful ancient craft which I then began to incorporate into my textile work.


Pulpitations began in October 2008 in the Courtyard at Dalby Forest where I had one of a cluster of workshops alongside other artists. My studio was open to the public where I sold my work and began to run papermaking workshops and attend events.

I have developed many different techniques in my papermaking using a variety of pulps. I am fascinated with highlighting texture, patterns and silhouettes using different light sources and adding nature’s treasures to the papers.

My most recent work combines paper, fabrics and photographs, incorporating mixed media and stitch.


I am inspired by trees and plant materials, always searching underfoot, in hedgerows and woodland for interesting finds. In my studio I have drawers and boxes filled with treasures! I take my camera in my pocket wherever I go and love to photograph tiny details of nature in a nearby ancient woodland.

Over the past 8 years I have worked from my garden studio, currently based near Selby, N. Yorkshire, where I continue to design and make my unique products . I enjoy the diversity of my work and to hopefully inspire others to experiment and be creative.

Niki Hampson

January 2024

Miniature panels
Cotton pulp with bluebells